Decoration Day Sentries Ceremony. This ceremony is held on the first Sunday in June each year at the Regina Cenotaph in Victoria Park. It entails a military Changing of the Guard with the addition of volunteer civilian sentries joining their military counterparts in “Standing For Those Who Served”. The guard changes every 15 minutes running from noon to 6 p.m. Civilians are chosen from applicants submitted to this website.
Armistice Dinner. This is a formal military style Dining In Dinner always held on the evening prior to Armistice Day. It marks the end of the fighting in the First World War. It is open to members and invited guests.
Victory Dinner. This is a formal military style Dining In Dinner held in either late April or early May. It marks the end of the fighting in Europe in the Second World War. It is open to members and invited guests.
The Regina Cenotaph Historical Pedestals
At the Cenotaph in Victoria Park Regina pedestals are being placed that tell the stories of our Veterans in Canada’s wars, conflicts and operations. There are also pedestals that tell of ships and units related to Saskatchewan from the First and Second World War. The intent is that as our Veterans from the Second and Korean Wars are all but gone these pedestals will tell of their accomplishments and sacrifices for decades to come. Two pedestals were placed in 2020 and 10 in 2021. Nine are to be unveiled in the summer of 2022 with an additional seven planned for 2023. It is anticipated that Regina and area schools will begin organized visits to the pedestals in the fall of 2022.
Victoria Cross Recipients Commemorations
There were 15 Victoria Cross recipients who at one time or another resided in Saskatchewan. In an effort to ensure that these Saskatchewan Heroes are not forgotten commemoration ceremonies are planned at either the soldier’s last residence in the province or an armoury named after him. The ceremonies recount the soldiers’ lives and service and are attended by the public and media. A pop up banner about the soldier is created and held by the RUSI. As of 2022, four ceremonies have been held with the remaining 11 to be done over the coming years.
The Wall of Honour
In partnership with the provincial government a Wall of Honour was created in Room 218 of the Legislative Building. For each of the 15 Victoria Cross recipients who once resided in Saskatchewan a shadow box was created in the shape of the province with the provincial crest atop. Within the box is the soldier’s photo, a narrative of the action for which the VC was awarded and replicas of his medals. This project was completed in 2019.
The 100th Anniversary Armistice Ball
To mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the fighting in the First World War the RUSI hosted the province to the 2018 Armistice Dinner. This Gala was held on the 10th of November at the Queensbury Centre with over 400 civilian and military guests with entertainment by the Regina Symphony Orchestra and the PPCLI Drum Line. $20,000 was raised for the Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Fund.
Meetings and Gatherings
The Board of Directors meets roughly every two months, or at the call of the President, to discuss the ongoing operation of the RUSI. The Board consists of the President, Past President, Vice President, Treasurer and four Directors.
The Annual General meeting is held on the last Thursday in April. At this meeting the Board reports to the membership on the operation of the RUSI for the past year and the plan for the year ahead. Financial matters are presented and the annual budget approved. Elections of Board members are held for the coming year.
TGIT, or Thank Goodness it’s Thursday, are held in the Senior Ranks Mess of the Regina Armoury in the late afternoon. This is an opportunity for RUSI members and serving military members to gather after the days’ work to relax and socialize. Occasionally a presentation on military history or matters will follow the evening.
Honouring the Canadian Armed Forces and its members past and present
© 2025 The Royal United Services Institute of Regina