The Royal United Services Institute is a private establishment. Membership is open upon application to serving and retired commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed Forces, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Canadian Coast Guard, and the Canadian Merchant Marine and to serving or retired military officers of Allied Powers. We have extended the privilege of membership to civilians who support the mission of the Institute, “honouring the Canadian Armed Forces and its members past and present”.
Membership has several benefits. As a member, you are then an Associate Member of the Regina Armoury Senior Ranks Mess, which is located in the Regina Armoury. This is where we hold our weekly Thank Goodness its Thursday (TGIT) where members come to the Mess to relax and socialize with other members and military members of the Regina Garrison. The Mess is normally open for Rider games with parking across from the Armoury. We also hold two formal military-style dinners, the Armistice Dinner and the Victory Dinner. Occasionally other activities are held such as St Patrick’s Day. Members are eligible and encouraged to participate in all or any of our commemorative activities. Membership also includes access to the RUSI Library, the largest collection of non-fiction military books in the province.
Membership fees in 2022 are $100 of which half are the RUSI dues and half are the associate membership dues. Members who reside more than 80 km from Regina can request to be out-of-town members where the associate member dues are waived. This then means that they will not make regular use of the Mess.
To join the RUSI the application, available below, must be completed and the Board of Directors will vote upon the application.
If you decide you would enjoy being a member of the Institute, please fill out and submit the online form below.
Honouring the Canadian Armed Forces and its members past and present
© 2025 The Royal United Services Institute of Regina